Horizon bq 470 manual
Horizon Bq 440 Manual horizon bq 440 manual is available in our book collection an online access to it is set as public so you can get it instantly. BQ-470 Perfect Binder - Standard 2007 Horizon BQ-270 Single Clamp, Cover Feeder, Smoke Extractor Printers Parts & Equipment, a leading used Heidelberg Horizon Bq 440 Manual horizon bq 440 manual is available in our book collection an online access to it is set as public so you can get it instantly. BQ-470 Perfect Binder - Standard 2007 Horizon BQ-270 Single Clamp, Cover Feeder, Smoke Extractor Printers Parts & Equipment, a leading used Heidelberg Counter: 1,2mio h 4 clamp perfect binder BQ-470 Touch & work technology 200 memories for repeat orders Side gluing: hotmelt perforating unit: 4-times scoring exhauster: extracteur unit size min: 145x150x1mm max: 320x320x65mm Cover size: min_225x135mm Cover size: max: 660x320mm Text of Horizon BQ 470 1. EVA or PURPerfect Binder BQ-470Fully automated set-up through the intuitive icon based LCD touchscreen.Customer replaceable glue tank unit for both EVA hotmelt and PUR hotmelt adhesives to meet varying customer requirements.Simplified and accurate changeover The Horizon BQ-470 Fully Automated, 4-Clamp Perfect Binder. Regular cycle speed is 1,000 books per hour (EVA hotmelt glue). Tags: #horizon #bookbinder Видео Horizon BQ 470 Book Binder - Year 2010 канала bankjim.
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